Durability of wood and wood-based products. Testing and classification of the durability to biological agents of wood and wood-based materials
木材和木质产品的耐久性 木材和木质材料对生物制剂耐久性的试验和分类
BS EN 350:2016 gives guidance on methods for determining and classifying the durability of
wood and wood-based materials against biological wood-destroying agents.The methods can be applied either to individual wood species, batches of wood and processed woodbased
materials, including heat-treated, preservative-treated wood and modified wood. However, this
standard is not intended to replace testing of the efficacy of biocides.The wood-destroying agents considered in this standard are:wood-decay fungi (basidiomycete and soft-rot fungi);beetles capable of attacking dry wood;termites;marine organisms capable of attacking wood in service.Data on the biological durability of selected wood species considered of economic importance in
European countries are presented in Annex B (informative), which also provides information relating to
their geographical origin, density, sapwood width and treatability.NOTE Treatability, durability to disfiguring fungi, permeability to water and performance in use of wood and
wood-based materials are also important issues. However, because standardized methods aiming to assess and
classify these factors do not exist and/or have not been extensively experienced yet, preliminary guidance is given
in Annex C (informative) for the classification of wood treatability with aqueous wood preservatives, Annex D
(informative) for the classification of the permeability to water, Annex E (informative) for the durability to
disfiguring fungi, and Annex F (informative) for the classification of performance.Cross References:EN 20-1EN 46-1EN 49-1EN 117EN 252EN 275ENV 12038EN 13556CEN/TS 15083-1CEN/TS 15083-2EN 16449ISO 13061-2ISO 2859-2EN 351-1EN 460EN 13556CEN/TS 15679:2007ISO 3129EN 330EN 335EN 1001-2EN 15534-1prEN 16818CEN/TS 1099CEN/TR 14734EN 927-5EN ISO 535ISO 535:2014All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.