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现行 ISO 22753:2021
Molecular biomarker analysis — Method for the statistical evaluation of analytical results obtained in testing sub-sampled groups of genetically modified seeds and grains — General requirements 分子生物标记物分析转基因种子和谷物亚取样组试验中分析结果的统计评估方法一般要求
发布日期: 2021-08-27
本文件描述了通过群体测试策略评估一批转基因(GM)种子/谷物含量的一般要求、程序和性能标准,该策略包括对亚取样群体进行定性分析,然后对结果进行统计评估。 本文件适用于以百分比种子/谷物为基础估算转基因含量的群体测试策略,以进行纯度估算,按照给定的拒收/验收标准进行测试,以及种子/谷物批次进行堆叠事件的情况。 本文件不适用于加工产品。 注:参考文献[1]、[7]、[8]、[18]、[19]和[20]中对分组测试策略的使用进行了说明。
This document describes general requirements, procedures and performance criteria for evaluating the content of genetically modified (GM) seeds/grains in a lot by a group testing strategy that includes qualitative analysis of sub-sampled groups followed by statistical evaluation of the results. This document is applicable to group testing strategy estimating the GM content on a percentage seed/grain basis for purity estimation, testing towards a given reject/accept criterion and for cases where seed/grain lots are carrying stacked events. This document is not applicable to processed products. NOTE       Description of the use of group testing strategy are available in References [1], [7], [8], [18], [19] and [20].
归口单位: ISO/TC 34/SC 16