Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks — Part 1: General
塑料管道系统 用于改造地下非压力排水和污水处理网络 - 第1部分:总则
ISO 11296-1:20 18规定了用于地下无压排水和污水网络改造的塑料管道系统的要求和测试方法,这些管道系统作为重力系统运行,最大超载压力为0.5巴[1]。它适用于制造的管道和配件,以及安装的衬里系统。它不适用于现有管道或任何非结构性喷涂涂层或环形填料。
ISO 11296-1:20 18给出了所有相关翻新技术的通用要求。
[1]1 bar=0.1 MPa=0.1 n/mm2=105 N/m2。
ISO 11296-1:2018 specifies the requirements and test methods for plastics piping systems intended to be used for the renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks, which are operated as gravity systems and subjected to a maximum surcharge pressure of 0,5 bar[1]. It is applicable to pipes and fittings, as manufactured, as well as to the installed lining system. It is not applicable to the existing pipeline or any non-structural sprayed coatings or annular filler.
ISO 11296-1:2018 gives the general requirements common to all relevant renovation techniques.
[1] 1 bar = 0,1 MPa = 0,1 N/mm2 = 105 N/m2.