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现行 LB-07-029
Development of a High-Performance Water-to-Water Heat Pump for Ground-Source Application 高性能地源热泵的研制
采用板式换热器、新型压缩机和带有液气换热器的制冷剂循环,开发了一种用于地源应用的高性能水-水热泵。首先建立了一个性能设计程序,用于计算带有液气换热器的制冷剂循环。该模拟程序可以预测加热/冷却能力、电力和COP。这决定了换热器的表面积、压缩机效率和排量等。其次,根据程序的结果设计了一台真正的热泵,然后进行了制造和测试,以将其性能与模拟结果进行比较。结果表明,通过模拟计算,设计的热泵的制冷系数和实测的实际热泵的制冷系数均达到5.5。单位:SICitation:ASHRAE Transactions,第113卷,pt。2.
A high-performance water-to-water heat pump for ground-source application was developed using a plate heat exchanger, a new type of compressor and refrigerant cycle with a liquid-gas heat exchanger. A performance design program used to compute the refrigerant cycle with a liquid-gas heat exchanger was created first. This simulation program could predict the heating/cooling capacity, electric power, and COP. This determined the surface area of the heat exchangers, compressor efficiency and displacement, etc. Second, a real heat pump was designed based on the results of the program, then built and tested to compare its performance with the simulation. As a result, a value of 5.5 was attained both for the cooling COP of the designed heat pump via the simulation and the measured cooling COP of the real heat pump.Units: SI
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类