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现行 ISO/IEC Guide 77-2:2008
Guide for specification of product properties and classes — Part 2: Technical principles and guidance 产品特性和类别规范指南第2部分:技术原理和指南
发布日期: 2008-09-01
ISO/IEC指南77通过使用ISO 13584和IEC 61360系列标准创建计算机可处理的参考词典,为描述产品及其特性提供了一般建议和指导。本说明书将以能够以独立于任何专有应用软件的形式进行计算机通信的明确方式提供产品及其特性的细节。 ISO/IEC指南77旨在帮助实现以经济高效和及时的方式在内部和外部业务合作伙伴之间实现技术信息流动的目标。 ISO/IEC指南77-2:20 08中给出的指南包含技术建议,旨在帮助标准化委员会和技术专家为开发符合通用ISO 13584/IEC 61360词典模型的标准参考词典贡献他们的知识。对于负责业务合作伙伴之间技术信息交换或生成ISO 13584和IEC 61360应用程序的信息专家来说,它也可能很有用。 ISO/IEC指南77-2:20 08旨在支持通用ISO 13584/IEC 61360字典模型应用的工业效益的实现。以下内容属于ISO/IEC指南77-2:20 08的范围: 产品描述和表征的一般原则; 介绍产品表征类、产品属性、产品本体和产品参考词典的概念; 类和属性的通用标识; 展示可用于构建符合通用ISO 13584/IEC 61360词典模型的参考词典的建模结构;制定标准参考词典的规则和原则; 标准参考词典衔接规则和原则,避免重复和重叠; 用于开发用户定义的参考词典和用于将用户定义的参考词典连接到标准参考词典的规则和原则; 交换参考词典的格式和机制; 将参考词典连接到分类系统的机制。 以下内容超出了ISO/IEC指南77-2:20 08的范围: ISO和IEC技术委员会和工业管理人员开发计算机可处理产品库、参考词典和目录的概述; 工业实践中创建产品信息参考词典的经验案例研究; 用于产品表征以外目的的产品分类。
ISO/IEC Guide 77 provides general advice and guidance for the description of products and their characteristics by the use of the ISO 13584 and IEC 61360 series of standards for the creation of computer-processable reference dictionaries. This description will provide the details of the products and their properties in an unambiguous manner capable of computer communication, in a form that is independent from any proprietary application software. ISO/IEC Guide 77 is intended to assist the objective of enabling the flow of technical information between internal and external business partners in a cost-effective and timely manner. The guidance given in ISO/IEC Guide 77-2:2008 contains technical recommendations intended to assist standardization committees and technical experts contributing their knowledge to the development of standard reference dictionaries compliant with the common ISO 13584/IEC 61360 dictionary model. It might also be useful for information experts responsible for the exchange of technical information between business partners or for the generation of applications of ISO 13584 and IEC 61360. ISO/IEC Guide 77-2:2008 is intended to support the achievement of industrial benefits of applications of the common ISO 13584/IEC 61360 dictionary model. The following are within the scope of ISO/IEC Guide 77-2:2008:
  • general principles of product description and characterization;
  • presentation of the concepts of product characterization classes, product properties, product ontology and reference dictionaries for products;
  • universal identification of classes and properties;
  • presentation of the modelling constructs that can be used for building reference dictionaries conforming to the common ISO 13584/IEC 61360 dictionary model;
  • rules and principles for developing standard reference dictionaries;
  • rules and principles for connecting standard reference dictionaries to avoid duplication and overlap;
  • rules and principles for developing user-defined reference dictionaries and for connecting user-defined reference dictionaries to standard reference dictionaries;
  • formats and mechanisms for exchanging reference dictionaries;
  • mechanisms for connecting reference dictionaries to classification systems.
The following are outside the scope of ISO/IEC Guide 77-2:2008:
  • an overview for ISO and IEC Technical Committees and industrial managers for the development of computer-processable product libraries, reference dictionaries and catalogues;
  • case studies from experiences in the creation of reference dictionaries of product information in industrial practice;
  • categorization of products for purposes other than product characterization.
归口单位: ISO/TMBG
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Руководство по разработке спецификаций на характеристики и классы продукции. Часть 2. Технические принципы и рекомендации
产品属性和类别规范指南 第二部分技术原则和指导
ISO/IEC GUIDE 77-2-2008
Guide for specification of product properties and classes -- Part 2: Technical principles and guidance
GOST R 53891-2010
Руководство по разработке спецификаций на характеристики и классы продукции. Часть 3. Опыт применения
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Руководство по разработке спецификаций на характеристики и классы продукции. Часть 1. Основные возможности
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ISO/IEC GUIDE 77-3-2008
Guide for specification of product properties and classes -- Part 3: Experience gained
ISO/IEC GUIDE 77-1-2008
Guide for specification of product properties and classes -- Part 1: Fundamental benefits
ISO/IEC Guide 77-1-2008
Guide for specification of product properties and classes — Part 1: Fundamental benefits
ISO/IEC Guide 77-3-2008
Guide for specification of product properties and classes — Part 3: Experience gained