BS EN ISO 25178-1:2016规定了技术产品中区域表面纹理的表示规则
通过图形符号编制的文件(如图纸、规范、合同、报告)。交叉引用:ISO 1101:2012ISO 1302:2002ISO 3098-2ISO 14406ISO 16792ISO 25178-2:2012ISO 25178-3:2012ISO 81714-1ISO 128ISO 129ISO 3098-5ISO 8015ISO 4288ISO 14253-1ISO 14638:2015ISO/IEC指南99购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包括在内。
BS EN ISO 25178-1:2016 specifies the rules for indication of areal surface texture in technical product
documentation (e.g. drawings, specifications, contracts, reports) by means of graphical symbols.Cross References:ISO 1101:2012ISO 1302:2002ISO 3098-2ISO 14406ISO 16792ISO 25178-2:2012ISO 25178-3:2012ISO 81714-1ISO 128ISO 129ISO 3098-5ISO 8015ISO 4288ISO 14253-1ISO 14638:2015ISO/IEC Guide 99All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.