Nickel alloys — Determination of chromium content — Potentiometric titration method with ammonium iron(II) sulfate
镍合金 - 铬含量的测定 - 硫酸铁铵(II)的电位滴定法
ISO 7529:2017规定了一种电位滴定法,用于测定不含不溶性碳化物且钒含量小于0.2%质量分数的镍合金中的铬含量。该方法适用于质量分数在5%到22%之间的铬含量。
ISO 7529:2017 specifies a potentiometric titration method for the determination of chromium content in nickel alloys which do not contain insoluble carbides and which have a vanadium content less than a mass fraction of 0,2 %. The method is applicable to chromium contents between a mass fraction of 5 % and a mass fraction of 22 %.
Vanadium, which can be present as an impurity in the alloy, will give a positive bias interference. However, at a level of a mass fraction of 0,2 %, this bias is equivalent to a mass fraction of 0,068 % chromium, which is about half the reproducibility of the method.