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现行 OT-88-15-4
Thermal Insulation and Contact Resistance Metal-Framed Panels 隔热和接触电阻金属框架面板
本文讨论了金属框架结构中的热流和热桥效应,以及减少这些效应的实际措施。它源于产品开发工作,旨在找到符合规定绝缘水平的经济解决方案。一些对抗热架桥的策略被发现比其他策略更有效。例如,在桥接区边界处应用一整层低导电性材料通常比使用局部热破裂更有效。在某些情况下,金属和其他零件之间的接触电阻是一个重要因素。增加这些接触电阻的方法已经过测试,这些测量产生了一些表面异常但实际上完全一致的特征。 例如,在一些接头中,插入一个小的隔热裂缝会增加热流,这是因为与金属的更好接触超过了插入物增加的热阻。本文讨论了消除热桥效应的策略和一系列实际金属接头的接触电阻。单位:SICitation:Symposium,ASHRAE交易,1988年,第94卷,pt。2、渥太华
This paper is concerned with the heat flows and thermal bridging in metal-framed structures and practical steps to minimize these. It arose from product development work to find economic solutions that meet specified insulation levels. Some strategies for counteracting thermal bridging have been found to be more effective than others. For example, the application of a complete layer of low conductivity material at the boundary of a bridged zone is usually much more effective than use of local thermal breaks. In some cases, the contact resistance between metal and other parts has been found to be a significant factor° Ways to increase these contact resistances have been tested, and these measurements have produced some features that are superficially anomalous but in fact entirely consistent. For example in some joints the insertion of a small thermal insulating break increases the heat flow, as a result of better contact with the metal outweighing the added thermal resistance of the insert. This paper discusses both the strategies for counteracting thermal bridging effects and the observed contact resistances of a range of real metal joints.Units: SI
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类