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现行 OR-16-C061
Analysis of Supply Airflow Rate on the Performance of Radiant Cooling Systems 送风量对辐射供冷系统性能的影响分析
辐射冷却系统可能比传统的全空气HVAC系统更节能,部分原因是其送风要求较低。本文借助计算流体力学(CFD)分析,对典型周边办公室的传统全空气系统和辐射冷却系统的冷却性能进行了比较。评估了送风量对辐射地板和辐射天花板系统冷却性能的影响。根据三维气流模式、温度分布、乘员的热舒适性以及辐射表面产生的冷却能力来评估冷却性能。这些分析表明,与传统的全空气系统相比,辐射冷却系统可以在气流速度大大降低的情况下为乘客提供类似的热舒适性。 然而,辐射表面的位置和相关的送风量会显著影响辐射系统的热舒适性和制冷能力。辐射地板系统可能需要比辐射天花板系统更高的气流速率,以提供类似的热舒适性。然而,与辐射天花板相比,增加气流速度可以显著降低辐射地板的制冷能力。辐射地板的低气流速率会产生热区,而辐射天花板的高气流速率会为居住者产生冷区。此外,与辐射天花板相比,送风量会显著影响辐射地板对流和辐射传热组件之间的相对分布。这项研究得出结论,低送风量的辐射天花板可以提供更好的热舒适性和更高的制冷能力,因此,与辐射地板相比,是周边办公室制冷的更好选择。 值得注意的是,CFD是一种有效的工具,可以最大限度地降低暖通空调设计风险,并获得有价值的见解,这有助于优化辐射冷却系统的设计。引用:2016年冬季会议,佛罗里达州奥兰多,会议论文
Radiant cooling systems can potentially be more energy efficient than the traditional all air HVAC systems partly due to their low supply air requirements. This paper with the help of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis compares the cooling performance of a traditional all air system with the radiant cooling systems for a typical perimeter office. The effect of supply airflow rate on the cooling performance of both radiant floor and radiant ceiling systems is evaluated. The cooling performance is evaluated in terms of three-dimensional airflow patterns, temperature distribution, thermal comfort of occupants, and resulting cooling capacity of the radiant surfaces. These analyses indicate radiant cooling systems can provide comparable thermal comfort for occupants at much reduced airflow rates than the traditional all air system. However, the location of the radiant surface and associated supply airflow rates can significantly affect the thermal comfort and cooling capacity of the radiant systems. The radiant floor system may require higher airflow rate than the radiant ceiling system to provide comparable thermal comfort. However, increasing the airflow rate can significantly reduce the cooling capacity of the radiant floors than the radiant ceilings. Low airflow rates with radiant floor can create hot zones whereas high airflow rates with radiant ceiling can create cold zones for the occupants. Further the supply airflow rate can significantly affect the relative distribution between the convective and radiative heat transfer components of the radiant floors than the radiant ceilings. This study concludes that the radiant ceiling with low supply airflow rate can provide better thermal comfort and higher cooling capacity, and therefore, a better option for cooling perimeter offices than radiant floors. It is noted that CFD can be an effective tool in minimizing HVAC design risks and gaining valuable insights which can help in optimizing the design of radiant cooling systems.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类