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现行 SA-96-08-2
Monitoring Savings in Energy Savings Performance Contracts Using Energy Management and Control Systems 使用能源管理和控制系统监控节能绩效合同中的节能
讨论通过验证节能绩效合同(ESPC)的节能效果来评估节能效果的方法。接着讨论了一种特殊的监测技术,即使用就地能源管理和控制系统(EMC)进行监测。介绍了一个机构建筑中ESPC储蓄估算的案例研究。比较不同监测方法以及收集和分析数据的不同过程所产生的节约估算。目的是调查使用EMC收集ESPC测量和验证协议中规定的数据的情况。说明比较结果是关于如何将EMC最有效地用于验证ESPC节约的特定应用,以及EMC结果如何与计算节约的其他工具进行比较的建议。 关键词:1996年,节能,监测,绩效,合同,比较,能源消耗,能源管理,控制:研讨会,ASHRAE Trans。1996年,第102卷,第2部分
Discusses methods for evaluating the savings of verifying the energy savings from energy savings performance contracting (ESPC). Goes on to discuss one particular monitoring technology, the use of in-place energy management and control systems (EMCS) to carry out this monitoring. Presents a case study of savings estimation in ESPC in an institutional building. Compares the savings estimates resulting from different monitoring methods plus the different processes of collecting and analysing data. The object is to investigate the use of the EMCS to collect the data specified in the ESPC measurement and verification protocols. States the results of the comparison are recommendations on how EMCS can be used most effectively for the particular applications of verifying ESPC savings and how EMCS results compare with other tools for calculating savings.KEYWORDS: year 1996, Energy conservation, monitoring, performance, contracts, comparing, energy consumption, energy management, controls
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类