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现行 ISO 14438:2002
Glass in building — Determination of energy balance value — Calculation method 建筑玻璃——能量平衡值的确定——计算方法
发布日期: 2002-06-13
本欧洲标准规定了确定嵌装玻璃能量平衡值的计算方法。这 欧洲标准适用于透明材料,如玻璃和用于上釉的玻璃组合 建筑物的窗户。 该方法旨在评估太阳辐射进入大气时热损失和有用热增益的平衡 在给定的时间内,通过称为 能量平衡值。 该方法使生产商能够比较玻璃产品的性能。能量平衡值 不应用于建筑物的能源使用或热容量计算。
This European Standard specifies a calculation method to determine the energy balance value of glazing. This European Standard applies to transparent materials such as glass and combinations of glass used to glaze windows in buildings. This method is intended to evaluate the balance of heat loss and useful heat gain by solar radiation entering the building through the glazing for a given period by means of an average rate of loss (or gain) of heat called the energy balance value. The method enables producers to compare the performance of their glazing products. The energy balance value should not be used for energy use or heating capacity calculations in buildings.
归口单位: ISO/TC 160