BS ISO 8:2019 establishes the minimum characteristics required for the presentation and identification of periodicals including not only the obvious traditional elements that print periodicals typically display (e.g. title, ISSN, publisher, date), but also the "footprints" of periodicals published on digital dynamic media that enable them to be traced along the path of their history, such as changes of URL and publisher or content provider.Cross References:ISO 18ISO 215ISO 8601ISO 690ISO 999ISO 3297ISO 26324ISO 5127ISO/TR 18492ISO 14641ISO 19005-1ISO 19005-2NISO RP-16-2013 PIE-JISO/IEC 40500ISO 25577ISO 7275ISO/TR 17797ISO 15836-1ISO 19005-3ISO 4ISO 216ISO 12083All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.