Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Engineering/survey methods for use in situ in a reverberant environment
ISO 3747:2010规定了一种通过比较混响环境中原位安装的噪声源(机械或设备)发出的测量声压级与校准参考声源发出的声压级来确定噪声源声功率级或声能级的方法。噪声源产生的声功率级(或者,在噪声爆发或瞬态噪声发射的情况下,声能级)在宽度为1倍频程的频带内,使用这些测量值进行计算。使用倍频程计算应用频率A加权的声功率级或声能级-
ISO 3747:2010中规定的方法适用于ISO 12001中定义的所有类型的噪声(稳定、非稳定、波动、孤立的声能爆发等)。该方法主要适用于发射宽带噪声的源。然而,它也可用于发射窄带噪声或离散音调的源,尽管测量再现性随后可能会降低。
适用于按照ISO 3747进行测量的试验环境:
2010年,话筒位置的声压级主要取决于房间表面的反射。在ISO 12001:1996精度等级2(工程级)的测量中,与噪声源或参考声源相比,测试环境中的背景噪声较低。
给出了根据ISO 3747:2010确定的声功率级和声能级的不确定度信息,用于倍频带测量和对其进行A加权频率计算。再现性符合ISO 12001:1996、精度等级2(工程级)或ISO 12001:
ISO 3747:2010 specifies a method for determining the sound power level or sound energy level of a noise source by comparing measured sound pressure levels emitted by a noise source (machinery or equipment) mounted in situ in a reverberant environment, with those from a calibrated reference sound source. The sound power level (or, in the case of noise bursts or transient noise emission, the sound energy level) produced by the noise source, in frequency bands of width one octave, is calculated using those measurements. The sound power level or sound energy level with frequency A-weighting applied is calculated using the octave-band levels.
The method specified in ISO 3747:2010 is suitable for all types of noise (steady, non-steady, fluctuating, isolated bursts of sound energy, etc.) defined in ISO 12001. The method is primarily applicable to sources which emit broad-band noise. It can, however, also be used for sources which emit narrow-band noise or discrete tones, although there is a possiblity that the measurement reproducibility is then degraded.
The noise source under test can be a device, machine, component or sub-assembly, especially one which is non-movable.
The test environment that is applicable for measurements made in accordance with ISO 3747:2010 is a room where the sound pressure level at the microphone positions depends mainly on reflections from the room surfaces. In measurements of ISO 12001:1996, accuracy grade 2 (engineering grade), background noise in the test environment is low compared to that of the noise source or reference sound source.
Information is given on the uncertainty of the sound power levels and sound energy levels determined in accordance with ISO 3747:2010, for measurements made in octave bands and for A-weighted frequency calculations performed on them. The reproducibility conforms with that of either ISO 12001:1996, accuracy grade 2 (engineering grade) or ISO 12001:1996, accuracy grade 3 (survey grade), depending on the extent to which the requirements concerning the test environment are met.