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现行 ISO 18312-2:2012
Mechanical vibration and shock — Measurement of vibration power flow from machines into connected support structures — Part 2: Indirect method 机械振动与冲击——测量从机器到连接支撑结构的振动功率流SPART 2:间接法
发布日期: 2012-01-23
ISO 18312的本部分规定了评估机器或管道发出的振动功率的方法 (以下简称机器)安装在机器连接的支撑结构上 通过隔振器。ISO 18312的本部分还规定了评估振动功率的方法 在笛卡尔坐标系的六个自由度中每个关节发射的组件,即三个 平移和三个旋转。振动功率通过处理两组信号来确定 安装在隔离器连接点的速度(或加速度)传感器,一套安装在机器上 侧(输入)和另一个在基础侧(输出)。此方法适用于以下机器: 假设它们的振动可以用平稳随机过程来描述。 发射的振动功率分量是使用两组速度的交叉谱计算的 窄带(或三分之一倍频程)和隔离器在整个频率范围内的动态刚度特性 兴趣范围。 ISO 18312本部分规定了该方法的频率上限。 ISO 18312的本部分可用于: a) 从隔离器设计概念评估机械系统; b) 获取数据,以编制允许机器振动功率排放的技术要求; c) 确定适当且具有成本效益的振动控制程序; d) 解决诊断问题。
This part of ISO 18312 specifies a method for evaluating the vibration power emitted by machines or pipelines (referred to hereinafter as machines) on to supporting structures to which the machines are connected through vibration isolators. This part of ISO 18312 also specifies the method for evaluating the vibration power components emitted in the six degrees of freedom of a Cartesian coordinate system at each joint, i.e. three translations and three rotations. The vibration power is determined by processing the signals from two sets of velocity (or acceleration) transducers mounted at the isolator connection points, one set on the machine side (input) and the other on the foundation side (output). This method is applicable for machines under the assumption that their vibration can be characterized by a stationary random process. The components of emitted vibration power are computed using the cross-spectra of the two sets of velocity in narrow band (or one third-octave) and the dynamic stiffness characteristics of the isolator over the frequency range of interest. The upper frequency limits of this method are established in this part of ISO 18312. This part of ISO 18312 can be used for: a) evaluating a machinery system from isolator design concept; b) obtaining data for preparation of technical requirements for allowable machine vibration power emission; c) determining appropriate and cost-effective vibration control procedures; d) solving diagnostics issues.
归口单位: ISO/TC 108
BS ISO 18312-2-2012
Mechanical vibration and shock. Measurement of vibration power flow from machines into connected support structures-Indirect method
机械振动和冲击 测量从机器到连接支撑结构的振动功率流
BS ISO 18312-1-2012
Mechanical vibration and shock. Measurement of vibration power flow from machines into connected support structures-Direct method
机械振动和冲击 测量从机器到连接支撑结构的振动功率流
ISO 18312-1-2012
Mechanical vibration and shock — Measurement of vibration power flow from machines into connected support structures — Part 1: Direct method
机械振动与冲击——测量从机器进入连接支撑结构的振动功率流SPART 1:直接法
GOST R 8.653-2009
Государственная система обеспечения единства измерений. Колебательная мощность, излучаемая машинами в присоединенные опорные конструкции. Часть 2. Методика выполнения косвенных измерений
确保测量一致性的状态系统 机械振动和冲击 从机器到连接的支撑结构的振动功率流的测量 第二部分间接法
BS 11/30131826 DC
BS ISO 18312-2. Mechanical vibration and shock. Measurement of vibration power flow from machines into connected support structures. Part 2. Indirect method
BS ISO 18312-2 机械振动和冲击 测量从机器到连接支撑结构的振动功率流 第二部分 间接法