BS ISO 18645:2016 specifies the requirements for testing methods, sampling and preparation
of test sample, marking and labelling, as well as package, transport, and storage of water soluble
fertilizers.This International Standard is applicable to water soluble fertilizers which are completely soluble in
water and are suitable for fertigation and sprinkling irrigation, as well as for foliar application (foliar
feeding).Cross References:ISO 3696ISO 5315ISO 6353-1:1982ISO 6598ISO 7409ISO 7410ISO 7742:1988ISO 8633ISO 17318ISO 17319ISO 18643EN 16195CEN/TS 16196EN 16198EN 13366EN 13368-1EN 13368-2EN 15451EN 15452EN 15749EN 15950EN 15961EN 15962EN 16109EN 168472003/2003/ECISO 8157AOAC 958.01AOAC 958.02AOAC 993.13AOAC 2006.03All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.