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现行 AT-15-030(RP-1383)
Develop a Radiant System Module for the Simulation and Analysis of Spaces and Systems 开发一个辐射系统模块 用于空间和系统的模拟和分析
ASHRAE RP-1383《为空间和系统的模拟和分析开发辐射系统模块》制定了分析程序,允许计算和显示房间内任何点的舒适条件。这些程序在一个名为辐射性能浏览器(RPE)的基于PC的应用程序中实现,RPE是ASHRAE热舒适工具的增强版。该项目开发了一种方法,用于计算从任意位置的居住者到任意形状空间的所有表面的景观因子。有了这种关于房间表面温度的一般能力和知识,就可以计算出任何乘员位置的平均辐射温度(MRT)。这反过来又可以推导出常见的舒适度指标,如预测平均投票率(PMV)和预测不满意百分比(PPD)。 还计算了其他辐射值,如辐射温度不对称性。RPE在基于计算机图形学的可视化屏幕上显示这些结果。RPE可以导入和显示由三维(3D)绘图工具SketchUp生成的数据;建筑能耗模拟应用程序EnergyPlus;或其他来源。可导出舒适度结果。该项目还增强了EnergyPlus,使其能够更灵活地模拟控制温度的面板。引文:2015年年度会议,佐治亚州亚特兰大,2015年交易,第121卷。2.
ASHRAE RP-1383, "Develop a Radiant System Module for the Simulation and Analysis of Spaces and Systems," produced analysis procedures that allow calculation and display of comfort conditions at any point within a room. These procedures are implemented in a PC-based application called Radiant Performance Explorer (RPE), an enhanced version of the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool. The project developed a method for calculating view factors from an arbitrarily positioned occupant to all surfaces of an arbitrarily shaped space.With this general ability and knowledge of room surface temperatures, mean radiant temperature (MRT) can be calculated for any occupant position This in turn allows derivation of common comfort measures such as predicted mean vote (PMV) and predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD). Other radiant values, such as radiant temperature asymmetry, are also calculated. RPE displays these results in a computer-graphics-based visualization screen.RPE can import and display data generated by the threedimensional (3D) drawing tool, SketchUp; the building energy simulation application, EnergyPlus; or other sources. Export of comfort results is available. The project also enhanced EnergyPlus to more flexibly model controlled-temperature panels.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类