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现行 ISO 23618:2022
Bases for design of structures — General principles on seismically isolated structures 结构设计基础.隔震结构的一般原则
发布日期: 2022-10-10
本文件规定了地震作用下隔震结构的设计原则。 本文件还描述了施工管理和维护的原则,因为正确的施工管理和维修对于实现高质量的隔震结构非常重要。 本文件不适用于桥梁和液化天然气储罐,尽管这些结构的隔震可参考一些原则。 本文件不适用于减少对地震地面运动的垂直响应的隔震结构,因为本文件主要规定了减少对水平地震地面运动水平响应的隔隔震结构。 本文件不是具有法律约束力和可执行的规范。它可以被视为负责发布结构设计法规的主管部门在制定实践规范时使用的源文件。 注意事项本文件主要针对隔震结构编制,隔震结构在上部结构和下部结构之间应用隔震界面,以减少地震地面运动对上部结构的影响。在大多数情况下,下部结构是指结构的基础。 然而,本文件中的下部结构由隔震界面下方的结构系统组成,该结构系统具有足够的刚度和强度。示例包括将隔离界面定位在建筑物的中间层或桥墩上方(见附件E)。
This document specifies the principles regarding the design of seismically isolated structures under earthquake effects. This document also describes the principles of construction management and maintenance, since proper construction management and maintenance are important for realizing high quality seismic isolation structures. This document is not applicable to bridges and LNG tanks, although some of the principles can be referred to for the seismic isolation of those structures. This document is not applicable to seismic isolation structures that reduce the vertical response to earthquake ground motions, since this document mainly specifies seismic isolation structures that attenuate the horizontal response to horizontal earthquake ground motions. This document is not a legally binding and enforceable code. It can be viewed as a source document that is utilized in the development of codes of practice by the competent authority responsible for issuing structural design regulations. NOTE          This document has been prepared mainly for the seismically isolated structures which have the seismic isolation interface applied between a superstructure and a substructure to reduce the effect of the earthquake ground motion onto the superstructure. In most cases, the substructure refers to the foundation of the structure. However, the substructure in this document consists of a structural system below the isolation interface that has been designed with sufficient rigidity and strength. Examples include locating the isolation interface in a mid-storey of the building or above the bridge piers (see Annex E).
归口单位: ISO/TC 98/SC 2