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现行 IEEE/ANSI C63.18-2014
American National Standard Recommended Practice for an On-Site, Ad Hoc Test Method for Estimating Electromagnetic Immunity of Medical Devices to Radiated Radio-Frequency (RF) Emissions from RF Transmitters 美国国家标准《估算医疗设备对射频发射机辐射射频(RF)发射电磁抗扰度的现场特殊试验方法推荐规程》
发布日期: 2014-06-20
本推荐规程是评估医疗设备对常见射频发射器(例如双向无线电、对讲机、移动电话、无线平板电脑、电子阅读器、笔记本电脑和类似设备、射频识别(RFID)读卡器;网络mp3播放器;双向寻呼机;以及无线个人数字助理[PDA])。该协议不提供全面测试或任何保证,但它是一项基本评估,可以帮助识别可能特别容易受到常见射频发射机干扰的医疗设备。 临时测试协议可用于评估现有或新购买的医疗设备,也可用于采购前评估。本推荐规程适用于医疗设施中使用的医疗设备,但也适用于家庭医疗或移动医疗环境中的医疗设备。它不适用于植入式医疗设备(如起搏器和除颤器)、救护车和直升机等运输环境,或额定输出功率超过8 W的RF发射机。 不建议在医疗设施中使用大于8 W的发射器进行测试,因为这可能会对设施附近地区使用的重症监护医疗设备产生不利影响。最后,当射频发射机的基频与医院无线网络或监控或其他医疗设备无线链路使用的频率重叠时,本推荐规程不解决带内射频干扰。
This recommended practice is a guide to evaluating the electromagnetic immunity of medical devices to radiated radio-frequency (RF) emissions from common RF transmitters (e.g., two-way radios; walkie-talkies; mobile phones; wireless-enabled tablets, e-readers, laptop computers, and similar devices; radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers; networked mp3 players; two-way pagers; and wireless personal digital assistants [PDAs]). This protocol does not provide a comprehensive test or offer any guarantee, but it is a basic evaluation that can help identify medical devices that might be particularly vulnerable to interference from common RF transmitters. The ad hoc test protocol can be used to evaluate existing or newly purchased medical devices or can be implemented for the purpose of prepurchase evaluation. This recommended practice applies to medical devices used in health-care facilities, but it can also be adapted to medical devices in home health-care or mobile health-care settings. It does not apply to implantable medical devices (e.g., pacemakers and defibrillators), transport environments such as ambulances and helicopters, or RF transmitters rated at more than 8 W of output power. Testing with transmitters greater than 8 W in health-care facilities is not recommended because of possible adverse effects on critical-care medical devices that are in use in nearby areas of the facility. Finally, this recommended practice does not address in-band RF interference where the fundamental frequency of an RF transmitter overlaps with frequencies used by a hospital wireless network or monitoring or used by other medical device wireless links.