Cross References:ISO 2412ISO 3434ISO 3904IEC 60447IMO MSC.97(73) 2000IMO Resolution A.343(IX)IMO Resolution A.468(XII)IMO Resolution A.694(17)International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)ISO 613ISO 6954ISO 8728ISO 9875ISO 11674ISO 16273ISO 16328ISO 16329ISO 17884ISO 17894ISO 17899ISO 19018ISO 19019ISO 20672ISO 20673ISO 22090ISO 22472ISO 22554ISO 22555IEC 16328IEC 60529IEC 60598-1IEC 60812IEC 60872,IEC 60936IEC 60945IEC 61023IEC 61097IEC 61108IEC 61162IEC 61174IEC 61209IEC 61924IEC 61993-2IEC 61996IEC 61996-2IEC 62065IEC 62288IMO MSC. 128(75)MSC/Circ. 1061Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs)All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.