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现行 ISO 6150:2018
Pneumatic fluid power — Cylindrical quick-action couplings for maximum working pressures of 1 MPa, 1,6 MPa, and 2,5 MPa (10 bar, 16 bar and 25 bar) — Plug connecting dimensions, specifications, application guidelines and testing 气动流体动力.最大工作压力为1 MPa、1.6MPa和2.5 MPa(10巴、16巴和25巴)的圆柱形快速动作联接器.插头连接尺寸、规范、应用指南和测试
发布日期: 2018-12-19
本文件规定了尺寸和公差,以确保气动快接管插头的互换性。它还提供了规范和应用指南,并规定了将应用于插头和插座的测试。 注1:插座的结构和尺寸由制造商选择。 本文件适用于气动流体动力系统中最大工作压力为1 MPa、1.6 MPa和2.5 MPa(10 bar、16 bar和25 bar)的圆柱形快接管接头。 注2:ISO 7289涵盖了焊接、切割和相关工艺设备用带切断阀的快接管接头。 本文件仅适用于根据本文件制造的产品的尺寸标准。 它不适用于它们的功能特性。
This document specifies the dimensions and tolerances so as to ensure the interchangeability of pneumatic quick-action coupling plugs. It also provides specifications and application guidelines, and specifies the tests to be applied to the plugs together with sockets. NOTE 1 The construction and dimensions of sockets are left to the manufacturer's option. This document applies to cylindrical quick-action couplings for maximum working pressures of 1 MPa, 1,6 MPa and 2,5 MPa (10 bar, 16 bar and 25 bar) for use in pneumatic fluid power systems. NOTE 2 Quick-action couplings with shut-off valves for equipment for welding, cutting and related processes are covered by ISO 7289. This document applies only to the dimensional criteria of products manufactured in accordance with this document. It does not apply to their functional characteristics.
归口单位: ISO/TC 131/SC 4