The performance of a magnetic ion exchange resin (MIEX) in the removal of disinfection byproduct
(DBP) precursors and natural organic matter (NOM) as dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
and bromide ion (Br) was assessed for three estuarine waters reflecting a range of DOC and Br- concentrations.
MIEX showed very rapid reaction kinetics and high ion-exchange capacity with
a low dose and overall, provided 55-60% removal for DOC, 73-84% and 72-80% removal for
bromide ion. Among the various competing anions examined, sulfate appeared to have the
highest removal rate as high as 97-99 % within 5 minutes. Humic and fulvic acids were well
removed by MIEX treatment and comprise most of the DOC removal (55-60%). Includes 2 references, table, figures.