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现行 RP-1376
Method of Test To Evaluate Field Performance of Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems 商用厨房通风系统现场性能评估的试验方法
本研究的主要目的是为商用厨房通风系统性能的现场评估提供一种测试文件方法。为了支持本文件,对气流平衡测量协议和方法进行了实验室测试,以验证烹饪废水的捕获和控制。对三个现场进行了评估,以测试实验室开发的方法。本研究产生的测试文件草案应被视为一个起点,而不是一份最终文件,该文件将回答有关现场商业厨房流量平衡、捕获和控制验证的所有问题。 建议进一步讨论验证厨房和周围区域之间的压差以及应保持的值的最合适方法。部分负载操作也需要额外讨论。
The main objective of this study was to produce a method of test document for field evaluation of commercial kitchen ventilation system performance. To support this document, laboratory tests were performed on air flow balance measurement protocols and methods to verify capture and containment of the cooking effluent. Three field sites were evaluated to test the methods developed in the laboratory.The draft method of test document produced from this study should be considered a starting point but not the definitive document that will answer all questions regarding flow balance and capture and containment verification for commercial kitchens in the field. Additional discussion is recommended for the most appropriate method to verify pressure differences between the kitchen and surrounding areas and the values that should be maintained. Part load operation also requires additional discussion.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类