City of Saskatoon - Water Loss Study: Water Audit Validation Using Component Analysis and District Metered Areas (DMAs)
The City of Saskatoon, located in the plains of central Canada, completed in early 2007
an IWA/AWWA water audit utilizing in-house staff and the AWWA Water Audit
Freeware software. In the summer of 2007, the City retained the services of Veritec
Consulting Inc. to complete the implementation of pilot temporary district metered areas
(DMA) in order to provide a detailed overview of the potential recoverable leakage
within the system.
The study also included the completion of a component analysis which coupled with the
DMA implementation provided a "bottom-up" real loss assessment used to validate the
"top-down" water audit. The results were also utilized to establish the economic leakage
level (ELL) and a long term water loss reduction program.
This paper provides details of the study approach and results with a particular
focus on the component analysis and temporary DMA implementation for the "bottom-up"
real loss calculation. Includes tables, figures.