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现行 BS EN 15701:2016
Plastics. Thermoplastic jackets for insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations. Requirements and test methods 塑料 建筑设备和工业装置用隔热产品用热塑性护套 要求和试验方法
发布日期: 2016-11-30
BS 15701规定了热塑性塑料护套的绝缘要求 建筑设备和工业装置以及使用的试验方法。欧洲标准不适用于导管架已牢固固定的系统 在现场绝缘材料的整个表面上。交叉引用:EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009EN ISO 15715EN ISO 6401ISO 6401EN ISO 8256ISO 8256EN ISO 11925-2ISO 11925-2ISO 4593EN 13823EN ISO 472:2013EN ISO 9229:2007ISO 9229: 200789/106/EECAll购买本文件时提供的当前修订版包括在内。
BS EN 15701:2016 specifies the requirements for thermoplastic jackets for insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations and the test methods to be used.The European Standard does not apply to systems in which the jackets have already been securely fixed over the whole surface of an insulating material in situ.Cross References:EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009EN 15715EN ISO 6401ISO 6401EN ISO 8256ISO 8256EN ISO 11925-2ISO 11925-2ISO 4593EN 13823EN ISO 472:2013ISO 472:2013EN ISO 9229:2007ISO 9229:200789/106/EECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会