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现行 ISO 15167:1999
Petroleum products — Determination of particulate content of middle distillate fuels — Laboratory filtration method 石油产品——中间馏分燃料颗粒含量的测定——实验室过滤法
发布日期: 1999-08-12
本国际标准规定了中间馏分油颗粒含量的测定方法 根据ISO 2719、ISO 3679或ISO 13736测定的封闭闪点为38°C或更高的燃料。 它不适用于轻馏分燃料(汽油)或航空燃料。 柴油机和家用柴油机用中间馏分燃料污染的重量限制 应用程序应用于控制过滤器堵塞和其他操作问题,本程序适用 适用范围高达25克/立方米。 只有严格按照本标准的规定获得结果,本程序的精度才有效 本国际标准,尤其是关于过滤器所用材料(见6.9中的注释),样本量 并对整个样品进行过滤。
This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the particulate content of middle distillate fuels with a closed flash point of 38 °C or higher, determined in accordance with ISO 2719, ISO 3679 or ISO 13736. It is not applicable to light distillate fuels (gasolines) or to aviation fuels. A gravimetric limitation of the contamination of middle distillate fuels used in diesel engines and domestic applications should be used for the control of filter plugging and other operational problems, and this procedure is applicable up to 25 g/m3. The precision of this procedure is only valid if the results are obtained strictly in accordance with the provisions of this International Standard, particularly in respect of the material used for the filter (see the note in 6.9), sample size and filtration of the complete sample.
归口单位: ISO/TC 28