Road vehicles. Standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI)-L-Category vehicle specific RMI use cases and requirements
公路车辆 汽车维修和保养信息的标准化访问(RMI)
BS EN ISO 18541-6:2018 contains all elements (definitions, use cases, technical requirements, functional
user interfaces requirements and conformance test cases) applicable for the standardized access to
repair and maintenance information for two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles and quadricycles
(L-category vehicles)The development of this document has been based on ISO 18541-1, ISO 18541-2, ISO 18541-3 and
ISO 18541-4. This document constitutes an adaptation of standardized access to RMI prescriptions for
passenger cars to L-category vehicles keeping the objectives and principles of the mandate M/421 from
the European commission.This document references the usage of a Digital Annex of standardized search terms for RMI. The
provision of such a Digital Annex will follow the process described in ISO 18542.
CEN will nominate a Registration Authority according to ISO 18542 for the creation and maintenance of
an appropriate Digital Annex.Cross References:ISO 18541-3:2014 ED1ISO 18541-4:2015ISO 18541-1:2014 ED1ISO 18541-2:2014 ED1SAE J2534-2ISO 22900-2SAE J2534-1ISO 20828:2006 (R10) Ed 1ISO/IEC 10731:1994ISO 18542-2ISO 18541-4ISO 18542-1All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.