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现行 OR-20-013
Home Envelope Performance Evaluation Using a Data Driven Method 使用数据驱动方法评估家庭信封性能
围护结构性能评估,即热性能(热传递率和容量)和气密性的评估,对于实现节能住宅变得越来越重要。与传统的评估方法不同,如基于初始设计数据、采样测量的结构数据和使用热流计的现场测量,本文提出的基于模型的围护结构性能评估方法基于简化的家用热力模型。该方法可以使用室内外温度数据的短周期来评估整个住宅围护结构的热性能,即热性能和气密性的集成。 根据风的可用性与否,该方法还可以评估信封的气密性。为了验证该方法的有效性,进行了三个连续实验。第一个实验表明,风效应会导致外壳热特性估计值出现约15%的差异;第二个实验表明,从城市气象站收集的风数据可能不准确,无法代表测试家附近的当地风况;第三个实验使用了从1676个家庭收集的数据,结果表明,对于5到40岁的家庭,随着家庭年龄的增加,信封性能成比例下降,而对于40岁以上的家庭,由于样本量较小,没有明显的模式。 第三个实验证明的结果与预期相符,即较年轻的家庭会体验到更好的家庭围护结构热性能。尽管需要进行更多的实验,但本文的结果表明,通过消除物理热流或建筑材料性能测量,基于模型的围护结构性能评估方法可以有效地替代传统方法。引用:佛罗里达州奥兰多2020年冬季会议技术论文
Envelope performance evaluation, namely evaluation ofthe thermal properties (thermal transmittance and capacity)and airtightness are becoming increasingly important forachieving energy efficient homes. Unlike traditional evaluationmethods—such as those based on initial design data,measured structure data from sampling, and in-situ measurementsusing a heat flow meter—the model-based envelopeperformance evaluation method proposed in this paper isbased on a simplified home thermal model. This method canevaluate the overall home envelope thermal performance, i.e.,the integration of thermal properties and airtightness, using ashort period of indoor and outdoor air temperature data.Depending on the availability of the wind or not, this methodcan also evaluate the airtightness of an envelope. Threesequential experiments were conducted to validate the effectivenessof the method. The first experiment showed the windeffect can cause around 15% difference in envelope thermalproperty estimations; the second experiment suggested winddata collected from a city weather station might not be accurateto represent the local wind conditions near the test home;and the third experiment, using data collected from 1,676homes, demonstrated that the envelope performancedecreased proportionally as the home age increased for homesthat were 5 to 40 years old, while there were no distinctivepatterns for homes older than 40 years due, perhaps, to a smallsample size. The demonstrated results of the third experimentalign well with the expectation that younger homes experiencebetter home envelope thermal performance. Although moreexperiments are needed, with knowledge of the ground-truth ofthe test home envelope conditions, the results of this papershow that the model-based envelope performance evaluationmethod can be an efficient, practical, and effective alternativeto the traditional methods by eliminating physical heat flow orconstruction material property measurements.
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