Thermodynamics is the study of energy, its transformations, and its relation to states of matter. This chapter covers the application of thermodynamics to refrigeration cycles. The first part reviews the first and second laws of thermodynamics and presents methods for calculating thermodynamic properties. The second and third parts address compression and absorption refrigeration cycles, two common methods of thermal energy transfer.Chapter Table of ContentsTHERMODYNAMICSFirst Law of ThermodynamicsSecond Law of ThermodynamicsThermodynamic Analysis of Refrigeration CyclesEquations of StateCalculating Thermodynamic PropertiesCOMPRESSION REFRIGERATION CYCLESCarnot CycleTheoretical Single-Stage Cycle Using a Pure Refrigerant or Azeotropic MixtureLorenz Refrigeration CycleTheoretical Single-Stage CycleUsing Zeotropic Refrigerant MixtureMultistage Vapor Compression Refrigeration CyclesActual Refrigeration SystemsABSORPTION REFRIGERATION CYCLESIdeal Thermal CycleWorking Fluid Phase Change ConstraintsWorking FluidsAbsorption Cycle RepresentationsConceptualizing the CycleAbsorption Cycle ModelingAmmonia/Water Absorption CyclesCitation: 2005 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals