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现行 IEC 62057-3:2024
Electrical energy meters - Test equipment, techniques and procedures - Part 3: Automatic meter testing system (AMTS) 电能表.试验设备、技术和程序.第3部分:自动电能表试验系统(AMTS)
发布日期: 2024-04-23
IEC 62057-3:20 24适用于永久安装在受控环境中的自动仪表测试系统(AMTS)。它涵盖了AMTS的功能、技术要求和验收方法。它还适用于新制造的AMTS,用于在交流电压高达600 V(相至中性)的50 Hz或60 Hz网络上测试静态有功或无功电能表。 本文件定义了能够连续自动执行IEC 62058-31中规定的所有测试项目的AMT种类,包括目视检查、交流电压测试、空载条件、启动电流、精度和仪表常数测试。 本文件不适用于: ?仪表的数据接口和数据接口的测试程序; ?与AMT一起提供的工业控制器、工业个人计算机和服务器。
IEC 62057-3:2024 applies to an automatic meter testing system (AMTS) permanently installed in a controlled environment. It covers the functions, technical requirements and acceptance methods of an AMTS. It also applies to a newly manufactured AMTS to test static active or reactive energy meters on 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks with an AC voltage up to 600 V (phase to neutral).
This document defines the kind of AMTS that can continuously and automatically carry out all the test items specified in IEC 62058-31, including visual inspection, AC voltage test, no-load condition, starting current, accuracy and meter constant test.
This document does not apply to:
? data interfaces to the meter and test procedures of data interface;
? industrial controllers, industrial personal computers, and servers supplied along with the AMTS.
归口单位: TC 13