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现行 ISO 25551:2021
Ageing societies — General requirements and guidelines for carer-inclusive organizations 老龄化社会.照顾者包容性组织的一般要求和指南
发布日期: 2021-11-17
本文件规定了为以下人员提供护理的在职护理人员组织计划的要求和指南: -?成人护理接受者(如认知、感官、身体和无形残疾的成年人、慢性或偶发性疾病的成年人以及老年受抚养人); -?长期儿童保育接受者(例如,由于慢性疾病或永久性认知、感官或身体残疾或受伤)。 本文件适用于任何组织,无论其规模、行业或社区环境(即城市、农村或偏远地区)。 本文件可与组织的管理系统、人力资源计划和/或公平、多样性和包容性计划结合使用,或在没有正式工作场所计划支持在职护理人员的情况下单独使用。
This document specifies requirements and provides guidelines for an organizational program for working carers providing care to: —    adult care recipients (e.g. adults with cognitive, sensory, physical, and invisible disabilities, adults with chronic or episodic conditions and older dependents); —    long-term childcare recipients (e.g. due to chronic illness or permanent cognitive, sensory or physical disability or injury). This document is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, sector or community setting (i.e. urban, rural or remote). This document can be used in conjunction with an organization’s management systems, human resource programs, and/or equity, diversity and inclusion programs, or on its own in the absence of a formal workplace program to support working carers.
归口单位: ISO/TC 314