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现行 ISO/TS 19278:2019
Plastics — Instrumented micro-indentation test for hardness measurement 用于塑料材料硬度测量的微型压痕测试仪
发布日期: 2019-04-01
本文件规定了一种塑料硬度试验方法,该方法使用微型仪器压痕,并明确规定了一个试验条件,以确保试验结果的再现性和可比性。 该试验方法选择性地适用于以下材料: -模塑、挤压和铸造热塑性材料;刚性和半刚性热塑性塑料板; -刚性和半刚性热固性模塑材料;热固性板材。 考虑到填料均匀分布在聚合物基体中,该测试方法也可用于纳米填充系统。 本试验方法允许从任何成品零件或产品上切割哑铃型试样、条形试样、压板和试样。 本试验方法可用于质量控制、材料选择和新配方筛选。 注:本文件的目的不是描述塑料显微硬度测试的所有科学或技术方面。
This document specifies a hardness test method for plastics using instrumented indentation in the micro scale with one clearly defined test condition to ensure reproducibility and comparability of test results. The test method is selectively suitable for use with the following materials: — moulding, extrusion and cast thermoplastic materials; rigid and semi-rigid thermoplastics sheets; — rigid and semi-rigid thermosetting moulding materials; thermosetting sheets. This test method could also be utilized for nanometric filled system, considering the fillers are distributed uniformly in the polymer matrix. This test method allows dumbbell type specimen, strip type specimen, platens and specimen cut from any finished parts or products. This test method is useful for quality control, material selection, and screening of new formulations. NOTE This document does not aim to describe all scientific or technical aspects of microhardness testing on plastics in general.
归口单位: ISO/TC 61/SC 2