The present document defines the Energy Efficiency specifically for Point-to-point fixed radio systems, taking into account the specific characteristics of that technology. The technical background and the methodology used to obtain the formula are described together with the test conditions within which carrying out the related measures.Due to the peculiarity of fixed wireless systems, having various architectures, applications and set-ups, the target to define the Energy Efficiency with a single formula valid for all the categories of systems is very challenging and could be even technically misleading.As consequence, the main part of the present document is intended to explain the methodology used to derive the EEER, defined as the Equipment Energy Efficiency Ratio. The provided technical description is the necessary complement of the given definition, as it helps to understand the complexity of the matter and how the formula should be used.That is particularly important in the event that Technical Committees intend to further proceed with the present analysis and derive from the given definition any practical standardization activities.