2006/876/EC: Commission Decision of 30 November 2006 approving programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases, of certain TSEs, and for the prevention of zoonoses presented by Bulgaria and Romania for the year 2007 and amending Decision 2006/687/EC (notified under document number C(2006) 5702)
2006/876/EC:2006年11月30日委员会决定 批准保加利亚和罗马尼亚提出的2007年消除和监测动物疾病、某些TSE和预防人畜共患病的方案 并修订第2006/687/EC号决定(根据C(2006)5702号文件通知)
2006/876/EC: Commission Decision of 30 November 2006 approving programmes for the eradication and monitoring of animal diseases, of certain TSEs, and for the prevention of zoonoses presented by Bulgaria and Romania for the year 2007 and amending Decision 2006/687/EC (notified under document number C(2006) 5702)