IEEE Health informatics--PoC medical device communication Part 00101: Guide--Guidelines for the use of RF wireless technology
This guide provides guidance for using radio frequency (RF) wireless communication technologies for ISO/IEEE 11073 point-of-care (PoC) medical devices that exchange vital signs and other medical device information using shared information technology (IT) infrastructure. Use cases specific to these technologies are evaluated, and key functional and performance criteria are identified, including quality of service (QoS) management, privacy and security, coexistence with other RF wireless technologies, environmental requirements such as electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC), and power management. Guidelines are provided for each of these areas. Technologies include, but are not limited to, the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15 technologies. Use case environments include traditional clinical settings as well as personal (home and mobile) healthcare. The intent of guide is to be global with respect to wireless spectrum and equipment, although working group participation and expertise have favored detail of scenarios from the United States. Importantly, this guide will not be periodically updated, but instead will act as a source of information for follow-on ISO/IEEE 11073 RF wireless transport standards that will supersede it. These ISO/IEEE 11073 RF wireless transport standards will detail the use of specific wireless networked technology for the purpose of transporting medical data. Periodic updates will be performed on the ISO/IEEE 11073 standards only.