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现行 ASTM D7853-13(2020)
Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Pullout Resistance of a Geomembrane with Locking Extensions Embedded in Concrete 具有嵌入式混凝土的锁定延伸器的土工膜的液压拉拔阻力的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2020-06-01
1.1 本试验方法包括通过确定将嵌入试样的延伸部分锁定至混凝土拔出所需的压力,来测定嵌入混凝土中的锁定延伸部分的土工膜的抗水力拔出能力。 1.2 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。括号中给出的值仅供参考,不被视为标准值。 1.3 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.4 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 由于某些应用中可能存在液压,工程师需要了解这些产品抵抗这种压力的能力。该测试允许工程师比较产品并验证拉拔强度。 5.2 水力拔出阻力是锁定延伸尺寸、锁定延伸几何形状、每面积锁定延伸、锁定延伸聚合物组成和嵌入锁定延伸的混凝土性能的函数。 5.3 该试验方法的数据为不同土工膜(嵌入混凝土中的锁紧扩展件)的额定水力抗拔力提供了比较信息。液压拔出阻力虽然部分取决于锁定延伸尺寸,但与锁定延伸尺寸和几何形状没有简单的相关性。 因此,如果不对材料的实际液压拉拔阻力产生误导性数据,则无法使用小样本确定液压拉拔阻力。因此,液压拔出阻力用kPa(lb/ft)表示 2. ). 5.4 仪器可以是圆形或方形,且测试面积必须为0.36 m 2. (558英寸。 2. ). 5.5 图1 显示了可用于执行此测试的圆形测试设备的示例。该装置需要额定压力至少为690 kPa(14 410磅/英尺 2. ). 容器试验直径应至少为677。 04毫米(26.655英寸)如所示 图1 . 图1 圆形试验装置图片 注1: 可以使用较大的容器,但由用户确定与标准尺寸容器的相关性。由于某些产品的厚度或刚度,使用直径小于本标准规定的容器可能会导致更高的抗拔力。 5.6 测试基座- 容纳试样的测试仪器的底座。 5.7 上法兰- 是用螺栓固定在试样顶部以形成密封的法兰。 5.8 表格- 是用于形成试样的铝环,如所示 图2 . 图2 模板底部,螺柱朝上,气缸垫片 5.9 试样环- 放置在试样周围的实心环,以容纳混凝土中的泄漏。 5.10 容器将有一个测量压力的系统。 5.10.1 测量压力的系统应能够读取到3.5 kPa(0.5 psi)的精度。 5.11 混凝土应为符合规范的预拌混凝土 C94/C94M 最小固化抗压强度为34 473.8 kPa(5 000磅/平方英寸)。 注2: 经业主或工程师批准,替代混凝土或灌浆混合物可用于项目特定应用。 5.12 所有试验应在23±2℃的标准实验室温度下进行 °C(73.4±3.6 °F)。
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the hydraulic pullout resistance of a geomembrane with locking extensions embedded in concrete by determining the pressure required for locking extensions of the embedded specimen to pullout of the concrete. 1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 Due to hydraulic pressure that may be present on some applications, engineers need to understand the capability of these products to resist this pressure. This test allows engineers to compare products and verify pullout strength. 5.2 Hydraulic pullout resistance is a function of locking extension dimensions, locking extension geometry, locking extensions per area, locking extension polymer composition, and the properties of the concrete in which the locking extensions are embedded. 5.3 The data from this test method provides comparative information for rating hydraulic pullout resistance of different geomembranes with locking extensions embedded in concrete. Hydraulic pullout resistance, while partly dependent on locking extension dimensions, has no simple correlation to locking extension dimensions and geometry. Hence, hydraulic pullout resistance cannot be determined with a small sample without potentially producing misleading data to the actual hydraulic pullout resistance of the material. Therefore, the hydraulic pullout resistance is expressed in kPa (lb/ft 2 ). 5.4 The apparatus can be circular or square in nature and must have a test area of 0.36 m 2 (558 in. 2 ). 5.5 Fig. 1 shows an example of a circular test apparatus that can be used in the performance of this test. The apparatus requires a pressure vessel rated to a minimum 690 kPa (14 410 lb/ft 2 ). The vessel test diameter should be a minimum of 677.04 mm (26.655 in.) as shown in Fig. 1 . FIG. 1 Picture of Circular Test Apparatus Note 1: Larger vessels may be used but it is up to user to establish correlation to the standard size vessel. The use of a smaller diameter vessel than denoted in this standard may contribute to higher pullout resistance due to thickness or stiffness of some products. 5.6 Test Pedestal— The base of the testing apparatus which holds the test specimen. 5.7 Upper Flange— Is the flange that is bolted down on top of specimen to create a seal. 5.8 Form— Is an aluminum ring used to form test specimen as shown in Fig. 2 . FIG. 2 Bottom of Form with Studs Facing Up and Cylinder Spacer 5.9 Specimen Ring— The solid ring that is placed around test specimen to contain leakage through the concrete. 5.10 The vessel will have a system to measure pressure. 5.10.1 The system for measuring pressure shall be capable of being read to an accuracy of 3.5 kPa (0.5 psi). 5.11 Concrete shall be a ready-mixed concrete per Specification C94/C94M with a minimum cured compressive strength of 34 473.8 kPa (5 000 psi). Note 2: Alternate concrete or grout mixtures may be used for project-specific applications with the approval of the owner or engineer. 5.12 All tests shall be conducted at standard laboratory temperatures of 23 ± 2 °C (73.4 ± 3.6 °F).
归口单位: D35.01
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