This product is a PDF that contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) as noted.Building modeling is used as an accounting tool to qualify projects for monetary incentives (Energy Star label, LEED points, tax breaks, etc.) Some of these programs base rewards on achieved percentage improvement over the baseline, with either a sliding incentive scale or contingent on the project meeting or exceeding an established target. Others base incentive on the difference in energy consumption between the baseline and proposed models. The end result of energy modeling in a given program is the key factor in establishing model review process. In any large-scale program involving energy modeling, many companies/individuals are involved in submittal review. To ensure consistency, the key review steps and decision factors in determining pass/resubmit/fail outcome must be documented.Quality Control of ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G ModelsMaria Karpman, MemberProduct contains: recorded presentation, slides (PDF format), audio (mp3 format)The Building Energy Simulation Test for Existing Homes (BESTEST-EX)Ron Judkoff, Ph.D., Member, Joel Neymark, P.E., MemberProduct contains: recorded presentation, slides (PDF format), audio (mp3 format)Developing Simulation Guidelines and Model Review Processes for ModelingNicholas Long, MemberProduct contains: recorded presentation, slides (PDF format), audio (mp3 format)