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现行 ISO 13168:2023
Water quality — Simultaneous determination of tritium and carbon 14 activities — Test method using liquid scintillation counting 水质氚和碳14活度的同时测定液体闪烁计数试验方法
发布日期: 2023-11-27
该文件规定了一种通过将水样与亲水性闪烁混合物混合而获得的源的液体闪烁计数同时测量水样中3H和14C的方法。 由于供试品中可能存在干扰放射性核素,本文件中介绍的方法被认为是一种筛选方法。然而,如果已知样品不含干扰放射性核素,则可以定量测量3H和14C。 该方法可用于任何类型的环境研究或监测。 本方法适用于活度浓度在5?Bq?l-1到106?Bq?l-1(用于直接计数的液体闪烁计数器的上限)。对于更高活性浓度,可以稀释样品以获得在该范围内的测试样品。

This document specifies a method for the simultaneous measurement of 3H and 14C in water samples by liquid scintillation counting of a source obtained by mixing the water sample with a hydrophilic scintillation cocktail.

The method presented in this document is considered a screening method because of the potential presence of interfering radionuclides in the test sample. However, if the sample is known to be free of interfering radionuclides then 3H and 14C can be measured quantitatively.

The method can be used for any type of environmental study or monitoring.

This method is applicable to test samples of supply/drinking water, rainwater, surface and ground water, marine water, as well as cooling water, industrial water, domestic, and industrial wastewater having an activity concentration ranging from 5 Bq?l-1 to 106 Bq?l-1 (upper limit of the liquid scintillation counters for direct counting). For higher activity concentrations, the sample can be diluted to obtain a test sample within this range.

归口单位: ISO/TC 147/SC 3