Petroleum and related products — Precision of measurement methods and results — Part 2: Interpretation and application of precision data in relation to methods of test
石油及相关产品 - 测量方法和结果的精度 - 第2部分:与测试方法相关的精密数据的解释和应用
ISO 4259-2:2017规定了应用源自ISO 4259-1的试验方法的精度估计的方法。特别是,它定义了基于测试方法精度设置属性规范限值的程序,其中属性是使用特定测试方法确定的,以及在供应商和接收方之间存在冲突结果时确定规范符合性状态的程序。本试验方法精度的其他应用在原则上作了简要说明,无需相关程序。
ISO 4259-2:2017中的程序是专门为石油和石油相关产品设计的,这些产品通常是均质的。然而,ISO 4259-2:2017中描述的程序也适用于其他类型的同质产品。在将ISO 4259-2:2017应用于同质性假设可能受到质疑的产品之前,有必要进行仔细调查。
ISO 4259-2:2017 specifies the methodology for the application of precision estimates of a test method derived from ISO 4259?1. In particular, it defines the procedures for setting the property specification limits based upon test method precision where the property is determined using a specific test method, and in determining the specification conformance status when there are conflicting results between supplier and receiver. Other applications of this test method precision are briefly described in principle without the associated procedures.
The procedures in ISO 4259-2:2017 have been designed specifically for petroleum and petroleum-related products, which are normally homogeneous. However, the procedures described in ISO 4259-2:2017 can also be applied to other types of homogeneous products. Careful investigations are necessary before applying ISO 4259-2:2017 to products for which the assumption of homogeneity can be questioned.