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现行 AT-15-025
A Simplified Model of the Fan/Motor Performance of Fan-Powered Terminal Units That Use Electronically Commutated Motors 使用电子换向电机的风扇驱动终端装置的风扇/电机性能的简化模型
四家制造商提供了36种风扇/电机组合的详细性能数据,这些组合应用于商用系列和并联风扇驱动的终端装置。风扇电机的尺寸范围为0.33至1马力(249至746瓦)。提供了风机静态排放压力的数据,范围为0。1至0.75英寸。w、 g.(25至187帕)。所有的风扇电机都是电子换向电机。对性能数据进行分析,以开发适用于建筑能耗模拟项目的通用性能模型。开发的模型由两部分组成。首先,静态排放压力的数据范围为0.1到0。5英寸。w、 g.(25至125 Pa)用于确定满载功率和风机/电机组合的最大气流之间的相关性。 这些数据符合简单线性回归模型。其次,对每台风扇/电机组合的各种控制器设置进行了部分负载功率和气流数据评估。将数据标准化为与每个静压的最大控制器设置相对应的气流和功率。发现最大全功率运行低于电机额定值80%的风扇电机的标准化数据存在问题,未用于部分负载评估。正常功率和气流符合三级标准。由此产生的满载功率相关性和部分负载相关性可在建筑模拟程序中一起用于估计部分负载- 使用电子换向电机的风扇驱动终端装置中使用的风扇/电机组合的负载能量使用。引文:2015年年度会议,佐治亚州亚特兰大,2015年交易,第121卷。2.
Four manufacturers provided detailed performance dataon 36 fan/motor combinations applied in commercially availableseries and parallel fan-powered terminal units. The fanmotors ranged in size from 0.33 to 1 hp (249 to 746 W). Datawere provided for fan static discharge pressures ranging from0.1 to 0.75 in. w.g. (25 to 187 Pa). All of the fan motors wereelectronically commutated motors. The performance datawere analyzed to develop a generalized performance modelthat would be suitable for use in building energy simulationprograms. The model developed had two components. First,the data for static discharge pressures ranging from 0.1 to0.5 in. w.g. (25 to 125 Pa) were used to develop a correlationbetween the full-load power and the maximum airflow of thefan/motor combinations. These data were fit with a simplelinear regression model. Second, part-load power and airflowdata were evaluated over a wide range of controller settings foreach fan/motor combination. The data were normalized to theairflow and power corresponding to the maximum controllersetting for each static pressure. It was found that the normalizeddata for those fan motors whose full maximum poweroperations were less than 80% of the rating of the motor wereproblematic and were not used in the part-load evaluation.Thenormalized power and airflow were fit with a third-degreepolynomial. The resulting full-load power correlation alongwith the part-load correlation can be used together in a buildingsimulation program to estimate the part-load energy use offan/motor combinations used in fan-powered terminal unitsthat use electronically commutated motors.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类