Fuel cell technologies-Energy storage systems using fuel cell modules in reverse mode. Test procedures for the performance of single cells and stacks with proton exchange membranes, including reversible operation
This part of IEC 62282 deals with PEM cell/stack assembly units, testing systems, instruments and measuring methods, and test methods to test the performance of PEM cells and stacks in fuel cell mode, electrolysis and/or reversible mode.Cross References:IEC 60050-485IEC TS 62282-7-1:2017EN IEC 62282-8-101EN IEC 62282-8-201IEC 62282-8-101IEC Guide 98-3IEC Guide 98-1IEC Guide 98-3-SP1IEC 62282-8-201ISO/TR 15916:2015Incorporates the following:Corrigendum, March 2020