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现行 AWWA MTC64602
Determination of Optimum Coagulation Condition for Submerged Microfiltration Using Fouling Index: A Pilot Study 利用污染指数确定浸没式微滤最佳混凝条件的中试研究
发布日期: 2007-03-01
在膜过滤之前进行混凝正变得越来越理想,因为它允许更差的温度 使用优质水源,提高膜渗透性。但是相对来说 关于混凝剂对膜性能影响的信息很少 系统。因此,本研究的目的是开发一种自动测试技术 控制混凝预处理以提高混凝膜的性能 混合系统。 这项工作是在中试规模下进行的,使用了一个400米3/天的工厂,带有浸没式微滤器 (CMF-S,美国美净公司)在一家水处理厂。从汉江收集的原水是 使用聚合氯化铝作为混凝剂,作为给水。基于计算机的 在中试装置上设计、安装和测试了控制和数据采集系统。A. 新形式的污垢指数(KFI),意味着颗粒污染物的相对数量和 提出了具体的滤饼阻力,并将其集成到自动控制系统中,以 保持有利于膜过滤的凝固条件。 结果表明,混凝给水的污染潜力可描述为: 两个参数,如浊度和KFI,可以使用在线仪器进行估计 还有传感器。以浊度和KFI为控制参数,研究了混凝条件 预处理是自动确定的。膜性能的比较 表明自动控制更有效地最小化凝血剂量(30% 与手动操作相比,减少了混凝剂的使用)和污垢(TMP<50 kPa)。包括12个参考文献、表格、图表。
Coagulation prior to membrane filtration is becoming desirable because it allows poorer quality source waters to be used and improves membrane permeability. However, relatively little information is available on the effect of coagulants on the performance of membrane systems. Thus, the objective of this research was to develop a technique for an automatic control of coagulation pretreatment to enhance membrane performance in a coagulation-membrane hybrid system. The work was done at pilot scale using a 400 m 3/day plant with submerged microfilters (CMF-S, USFilter, USA) in a water treatment plant. Raw water collected from the Han River was used as feed water and polyaluminum chloride was used as coagulants. A computer-based control and data acquisition system was designed, installed and tested on the pilot plant. A new form of fouling index (KFI), which implies the relative amount of particulate foulant and specific cake resistance, was suggested and integrated into the automatic control system to keep the coagulation conditions favorable for membrane filtration. The results indicated that the fouling potential of coagulated feed water could be described as two parameters such as turbidity and KFI, which can be estimated using on-line instruments and sensors. Using turbidity and KFI as control parameters, the conditions for coagulation pretreatment were automatically determined. A comparison of membrane performances indicates that the automatic control was more efficient to minimize coagulation dose (30 % reduction in coagulant use) and fouling (TMP < 50 kPa) compared to manual operation. Includes 12 references, table, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会