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现行 BS ISO 26843:2015
Metallic materials. Measurement of fracture toughness at impact loading rates using precracked Charpy-type test pieces 金属材料 用预裂夏比型试样测量冲击加载速率下的断裂韧性
发布日期: 2015-12-31
BS ISO 26843:2015规定了执行和评估仪表的要求 使用断裂力学方法对金属材料进行预裂纹夏比冲击试验。最低限度 给出了测量和记录设备的要求,以确保类似的灵敏度和 实现了可比较的测量。使用本国际标准测定的动态断裂力学性能具有可比性 当相应的有效性标准为 遇见。由于夏比试样的绝对尺寸较小,通常情况并非如此。然而 所得值可用于材料研发、质量控制和 确定冲击加载速率下性能随试验温度的变化。通过使用本国际标准确定的断裂韧性性能可能有所不同 根据准静态加载速率下测得的值。事实上,加载速率的增加会导致加载速率的降低 在脆性或韧脆状态下进行试验时的断裂韧性;恰恰相反 在完全韧性状态下观察到(即断裂韧性增加)。更多关于 参考文献[1]给出了断裂韧性与加载(或应变)速率的关系。此外,它是 一般认为,断裂韧性也取决于试验温度。基于这些原因, 用户需要报告每项测试的实际测试温度和加载速率。 如果铁素体钢在韧脆过渡区发生解理断裂,可变性可能会降低 数量非常大,不能用简单的统计数据来充分描述。在这种情况下,需要进行额外的测试 要求,并使用适用于此类试验的统计程序进行分析, 例如,参见参考文献[2]。注:可能需要对参考文献[2]中规定的分析程序进行修改,以考虑 用于提高(冲击)加载速率的影响。交叉引用:ISO 148-1ISO 148-2ISO 12135ISO 14556ISO 26203-2购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 26843:2015 specifies requirements for performing and evaluating instrumented precracked Charpy impact tests on metallic materials using a fracture mechanics approach. Minimum requirements are given for measurement and recording equipment such that similar sensitivity and comparable measurements are achieved.Dynamic fracture mechanics properties determined using this International Standard are comparable with conventional large-scale fracture mechanics results when the corresponding validity criteria are met. Because of the small absolute size of the Charpy specimen, this is often not the case. Nevertheless, the values obtained can be used in research and development of materials, in quality control, and to establish the variation of properties with test temperature under impact loading rates.Fracture toughness properties determined through the use of this International Standard may differ from values measured at quasistatic loading rates. Indeed, an increase in loading rate causes a decrease in fracture toughness when tests are performed in the brittle or ductile-to-brittle regimes; the opposite is observed (i.e. increase in fracture toughness) in the fully ductile regime. More information on the dependence of fracture toughness on loading (or strain) rate is given in Reference [1]. In addition, it is generally acknowledged that fracture toughness also depends on test temperature. For these reasons, the user is required to report the actual test temperature and loading rate for each test performed. In case of cleavage fracture of ferritic steels in the ductile-to-brittle transition region, variability can be very large and cannot be adequately described by simple statistics. In this case, additional tests are required and the analysis is to be performed using a statistical procedure applicable to this type of test, see for example Reference [2].NOTE Modifications to the analytical procedures prescribed in Reference [2] might be necessary to account for the effect of elevated (impact) loading rates.Cross References:ISO 148-1ISO 148-2ISO 12135ISO 14556ISO 26203-2All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会