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现行 ISO/IEC/IEEE 32675:2022
Information technology - DevOps - Building reliable and secure systems including application build, package and deployment 信息技术.DevOps.构建可靠和安全的系统 包括应用程序构建、包和部署
发布日期: 2022-08-30
本文档提供了实施DevOps以定义、控制和改进软件生命周期过程的要求和指导。它适用于组织或项目中以安全可靠的方式构建、打包和部署软件和系统。本文档规定了在包括开发、运营和其他关键利益相关者在内的团队中有效协作和沟通的实践。 本文档应用了软件生命周期过程的通用框架,具有定义良好的术语。它包含应用于软件系统、产品和服务的整个生命周期的过程、活动和任务,包括构思、开发、生产、利用、支持和退役。它也适用于软件系统的采购和供应,无论是在组织内部还是外部进行。这些生命周期过程是通过利益相关者的参与来完成的,最终目标是实现客户满意。本文档的生命周期过程可以并发地、迭代地和递归地应用于软件系统,也可以增量地应用于其元素。 本文档适用于软件系统、产品和服务,以及任何系统的软件部分。软件包括固件的软件部分。包括为软件系统、产品和服务提供上下文所需的系统定义的那些方面。 就其目的、应用领域、复杂性、规模、新颖性、适应性、数量、位置、寿命和进化而言,软件系统多种多样。本文档描述了构成软件系统生命周期的过程。因此,它适用于独一无二的软件系统、用于广泛商业或公共分发的软件系统以及定制的、适应性强的软件系统。它还适用于完整的独立软件系统以及嵌入和集成到更大、更复杂和完整系统中的软件系统。
This document provides requirements and guidance on the implementation of DevOps to define, control, and improve software life cycle processes. It applies within an organization or a project to build, package, and deploy software and systems in a secure and reliable way. This document specifies practices to collaborate and communicate effectively in groups including development, operations, and other key stakeholders.
This document applies a common framework for software life cycle processes, with well-defined terminology. It contains processes, activities, and tasks that are to be applied to the full life cycle of software systems, products, and services, including conception, development, production, utilization, support, and retirement. It also applies to the acquisition and supply of software systems, whether performed internally or externally to an organization. These life cycle processes are accomplished through the involvement of stakeholders, with the ultimate goal of achieving customer satisfaction. The life cycle processes of this document can be applied concurrently, iteratively, and recursively to a software system and incrementally to its elements.
This document applies to software systems, products, and services, and the software portion of any system. Software includes the software portion of firmware. Those aspects of system definition needed to provide the context for software systems, products, and services are included.
There is a wide variety of software systems in terms of their purpose, domain of application, complexity, size, novelty, adaptability, quantities, locations, life spans, and evolution. This document describes the processes that comprise the life cycle of software systems. It therefore applies to one-of-a-kind software systems, software systems for wide commercial or public distribution, and customized, adaptable software systems. It also applies to a complete stand-alone software system and to software systems that are embedded and integrated into larger, more complex, and complete systems.
归口单位: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7