The purpose of this study was to examine
the occurrence and removal of parent and metabolite chloro-s-triazines, and TCT in fullscale
treatment plants. The specific objectives of this project were to: develop a
GC/MS method capable of analyzing all of the parent and metabolite chloro-s-triazines
listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) including DDA; analyze the parent and metabolite concentrations in
both raw and finished waters in paired samples for 40 full-scale utilities in selected
agricultural regions across the United States; determine the absolute concentrations
and ratios of chloro-s-triazines in raw and finished drinking waters; and, determine the
removals of each compound and of the TCT as a function of treatment parameters
within the plant.
In this study, a new mixed-mode (ion exchange + graphite
adsorption) solid phase extraction (SPE) method for drinking water was developed to
concentrate the parents and metabolites, followed by gas chromatography/mass
spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. This method utilizes deuterated internal standards for
recovery and quantitation and is described in detail elsewhere (Jiang et al., 2004). The
method detection limit (MDL) is 0.01 ìg/L for DEA, DIA, DDA and SIM; and 0.02 ìg/L
for ATR and PROP. Recoveries in surface water were 94, 104, 103, 110, 108 and 102
percent for ATR, SIM, PROP, DEA, DIA, and DDA, respectively. Includes 2 references, figures.