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现行 VC-20-C053
Net CO2 Reduction, from Source Energy, from Active HVAC Indoor CO2 Scrubbing and Reduced Ventilation Rates, Compared to CO2 Mitigation Directly from Outdoor Air 与直接从室外空气中缓解二氧化碳相比 源能量、主动暖通空调室内二氧化碳洗涤和降低通风率带来的净二氧化碳减少量
有大量令人信服的证据要求减少人类排放到大气中的二氧化碳(CO2)。气候科学界的一部分人认为,我们将被要求积极“减少”大气中二氧化碳含量的数量,而不仅仅是减少人类对二氧化碳含量增加的贡献。简要介绍了五种CO2缓解方法,然后介绍了第六种创新方法,即使用化学或吸附洗涤技术从建筑HVAC系统中去除室内空气中的CO2,以减少所需的室外空气(OA)通风,从而提供能源和CO2减少。减少的OA通风将对应于减少的能源消耗,同时清除其他室内空气污染物,改善室内空气质量(IAQ)。 提出了一个建筑暖通空调能量模型,其中包含了室内空气二氧化碳净化技术。虽然经过洗涤的室内CO2仅被排放到室外空气中,但与源化石燃料能源相关的CO2排放量的减少是为了分析净CO2减少潜力而计算的。美国三个不同的地点(亚特兰大、底特律和洛杉矶)采用了eQuest建筑模型,2016年美国环保局eGrid数据库用于计算当地发电厂的二氧化碳排放量。结果表明,在美国,既有供暖和/或制冷的高暖通空调负荷,又有碳密集型当地电力供应的地区,通过使用拟议的暖通空调/二氧化碳缓解系统,将受益最大。 在三个采样区域中,底特律的二氧化碳源减排潜力最高,为66560磅/年(30255千克/年),其次是亚特兰大,为46149磅/年(20977千克/年)。加州南部气候温和,加上碳强度较低的电网,仅减少了2340磅/年(1064千克/年)的源二氧化碳。增加其他节能措施或现场可再生能源发电将明显增加这些碳源的减少。如果人类居住者呼吸的二氧化碳被捕获并从同一办公楼的室内空气中永久隔离,则55600磅/年(25300千克/年)将被隔离。最终,本文的假设是,这些新兴CO2洗涤技术的更有利可图的市场可能首先在暖通空调产品和/或能效领域找到有益的用途。 该应用程序可能会创建一个可行的商业模式,将这些技术作为盈利的暖通空调产品进行部署、测试和改进,然后有望在未来几年部署,用于直接缓解大气中的二氧化碳。对这一概念的进一步研究似乎是有必要的,作者希望对本文的概念和结论进行进一步的讨论和批判性的回顾。引用:2020年虚拟会议论文
There is a compelling body of evidence calling for a reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that mankind is emitting into the atmosphere. A segment of climate science community contends that we will be required to actively "reduce" the magnitude of our atmospheric CO2 content, not merely reduce mankind’s contribution to the increase. Five methods of CO2 mitigation are briefly mentioned, followed by the description of a sixth, innovative method of using chemical or adsorption scrubbing techniques to remove indoor air CO2 from building HVAC systems for the purpose of reducing the required outdoor air (OA) ventilation to provide energy and CO2 reductions. The reduced OA ventilation will correspond to a reduced source energy consumption while simultaneously scrubbing other indoor air contaminants, improving indoor air quality (IAQ). A building HVAC energy model is presented in which an indoor air CO2 scrubbing technology is incorporated. Although the scrubbed indoor CO2 is merely vented and released into outdoor air, the resulting reduction in source fossil fuel energy related CO2 emissions is calculated for the analysis of the net CO2 reduction potential. An eQuest building model is utilized for three different locations in the USA (Atlanta, Detroit, and Los Angeles) and the 2016 USEPA eGrid database is used to calculate the local electric powerplant source CO2 emissions. The results indicate that regions in the United States with both high HVAC loads for heating and/or cooling coupled to a carbon intense local electric supply will benefit the most by utilizing the proposed HVAC / CO2 mitigation system. Of the three sample areas, Detroit had the highest CO2 source emissions saving potential from this application at 66,560 lb/yr (30,255 kg/yr) followed by Atlanta with 46,149 lb/yr (20,977 kg/yr). The mild southern California weather coupled with the less carbon intense electric grid only produced 2,340 lb/yr (1,064 kg/yr) source CO2 reductions. The addition of other energy conservation measures or site renewable energy generation would obviously increase these source carbon reductions. If the human occupant respiration CO2 were captured and permanently sequestered from this same office building’s indoor air, 55,600 lb/yr (25,300 kg/yr) would be sequestered. Ultimately, the hypothesis of this paper is that a more lucrative market for these emerging CO2 scrubbing techniques may first find a beneficial use in the HVAC product and/or energy efficiency space. This application may create a viable business model in which these technologies are deployed, tested and refined as profitable HVAC products, and then hopefully deployed in future years for direct atmospheric CO2 mitigation. Further study of this concept seems warranted, and the author invites future discussion and critical review of this papers concepts and conclusions.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类