East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) has been extremely successful with its energy management practices both in money save and in major electrical load shedding. EBMUD has been recognized by Pacific Gas and Electric (PG & E) as having the largest number of accounts being load shed from 12 noon to 6 p.m. within the PG & E service area. EBMUD currently uses three Time-Of-Use (TOU) electric rate schedules offered by PG & E to operate 75 of their 124 distribution pumping plants. The District has been successful in avoiding pumping during the On Peak periods for the current group of 75 pumping plants that are on a PG & E TOU rate schedule. From July 1991 to June 1992, the Energy Management Program is projected to save the District up to $584,000 in electrical power costs by maximizing operation of 75 pumping plants on TOU schedules during times of less expensive electrical power. This is a 17% savings in energy costs over the projected $3.5 million for distribution pumping. Next year, the savings are expected to be up to $700,000 with all 75 pumping plants being operated on a TOU rate schedule for 12 months.