Historically, conservation of water resources occurs either during periods of drought or when
certain external factors (such as growth) create a situation where water supplies are stretched to
their limit. Until recently, little if any thought has been given to managing water resources in
water-rich areas, especially during non-drought periods. However, with unpredictable weather
patterns, along with increased demands for water, more attention is being directed at managing
water resources on a continuous, year-round basis. This "management" of resources can be
accomplished in a number of different ways, including, but not limited to, pricing strategies,
customer education, alternative rate structures, and mandatory restrictions.
Spartanburg Water System (SWS), located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, implemented in
August 2002 a mandatory outside watering restriction program for customers within its service
area. The purpose behind the watering restriction was to attenuate the availability of ample
water supplies in its reservoirs in the wake of a five-year drought. This drought, which produced
a record deficit rainfall of 55+ inches during the five-year period, created concerns regarding
SWS's ability to meet system demands should the drought have continued for an additional 12
months. To react to this concern, SWS implemented several conservation measures, including
the previously mentioned outside watering restrictions, aimed at reducing the rate available
reservoir water supplies were being depleted. With a 20% system-wide reduction goal, SWS
was able to reduce water demand, prolong available water supplies, and ensure that water would
continue to be available for its customers in the future. Although mandatory outside water
restrictions were lifted in the fall of 2002, today, three years after the culmination of the five-year
drought, SWS continues to be successful in reducing system-wide water demands through a
number of innovative control strategies.
As a result of the most recent drought, many lessons were learned. First and foremost,
management of water resources should be continuous, and long-range planning efforts should
target reduction of both peak and average daily demands. Moreover, efforts should be made to
increase public education regarding water conservation. In examining near-term historical water
demands, SWS has been able to effectively manage and reduce these demands through the
implementation of various management techniques as well as an aggressive marketing campaign
utilizing the benefits of multimedia to effectively engage water system customers. Includes abstract only.