Tuna Cans, Rain Gauges, and Soil Probes: High-Visibility Campaigns to Reduce Water Use
“小玩意”或“金枪鱼罐头”、雨量计和土壤探测器等赠品是“Beat the Peak”积极努力获得高知名度并帮助教育卡里公用事业公司客户明智用水的一个组成部分。
Until recently, water conservation was a foreign concept to most residents of the Town of Cary, North Carolina, an affluent, east coast community. Soaring population growth within the last decade, a high residential and commercial appearance standard, and inefficient irrigation practices created a demand for water during the hottest and driest seasons of the year beyond the capacity of the water treatment facility, and contributed to the need for water conservation measures. Due to especially high demand during summer months, Town water conservation staff collaborate annually with the Town's Public Information Officer to develop new themes and initiatives for a comprehensive summer water conservation campaign known as "Beat the Peak". A multi-layered public education campaign targeting Cary residents, each year "Beat the Peak" uses conventional and innovative information vehicles to gain high visibility and to teach efficient irrigation practices. "Gadgets" or giveaways such as "tuna cans," rain gauges, and soil probes, are an integral part of "Beat the Peak's" aggressive effort to gain high visibility and to help educate Cary utility customers about wise water use.