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现行 LB-17-C006
Cross Infection due to Pathogen Transport in Indoor Environments: Investigative Study Assessing Impact of Ventilation Type, Air Changes, and Furniture 室内环境中病原体传播引起的交叉感染:评估通风类型、换气和家具影响的调查研究
建筑物影响人类健康。室内环境的设计和运行会影响居住者的健康。然而,人们对一个居住者的行为如何影响共享空间的另一个人的健康知之甚少。气溶胶传播被定义为“通过吸入传染性颗粒物通过空气进行病原体的人与人传播”。源头可能是受感染者打喷嚏。气溶胶的产生也可以通过咳嗽、大笑或呼气来实现。通过呼吸道气溶胶传播的病原体可以从源头进行短距离或长距离传播,成为范围内人群的可能感染源。 办公空间通常由员工使用隔间和隔墙共享。双人办公室的占用人比蜂窝办公室的占用人多50%,开放式办公室(>6人)的病假天数多62%。虽然人们普遍认为,在健康环境中增加通风率可以确保环境“干净”,但对于办公室和学校房间等更一般的通风空间,类似的方法是不可行的。病原体将通过气溶胶途径传播多远,以及什么将影响/控制传播?这项研究的重点是调查在通风的办公空间打喷嚏后气溶胶的传播情况,以及它们在呼吸区停留的时间长度,从而估计另一位乘客感染的可能性。 一项详细的计算流体力学研究表明,对于混合通风和置换通风,每小时换气次数(ACH)和家具的存在对停留在呼吸区的颗粒数量有显著影响,从而影响办公人员的感染率。模拟采用欧拉-朗格朗日框架。分析了不同换气次数(ACH)下混合置换通风的颗粒运动模式和滞气位置比例。研究结果表明,仅关注ACH并不能确保居住者暴露在室内释放的气溶胶中的幸福感。 室内设计,即家具定位、进风口和出风口位置以及工作区之间的安全空间分布,在确定最有效、节能和健康的室内布局时,可以发挥同等甚至更重要的作用。引用:2017年年度会议,加利福尼亚州长滩,会议论文
Buildings impact human health. The design and operation of an indoor environment influences occupants' well-being. However little is understood about how the actions of one occupant may influence the health of another person sharing the space. Aerosol transmission has been defined as "person to person transmission of pathogens through the air by means of inhalation of infectious particles". The source may be an infected person sneezing. Aerosol generation can also happen via coughing, laughing or just exhaling. Pathogens transmitted by respiratory aerosols can travel short or long range from the source becoming a possible source of infection for the people in range. Office spaces are often shared by the employees using cubicles and partition walls. Occupants in two person offices had 50% and in open-plan offices (>6 persons) had 62% more days of sickness absence than occupants in cellular offices. While it is generally accepted that increased ventilation rates in health settings can ensure 'clean' environments, a similar approach is not feasible for more general ventilated spaces such as offices and school rooms. How far will the pathogens spread via the aerosol route and what will influence/control the spread? This study focuses on investigating the spread of aerosols after sneezing in a ventilated office space and the length of time they reside in the breathing zone thus estimating the possibility of infection of another occupant. A detailed computational fluid dynamics investigation showed that for mixing and displacement ventilation both air changes per hour (ACH) and furniture presence has significant effect on the number of particles staying in the breathing zone thus influencing infection rates of office occupants. An Eulerian -- Langrangian framework is applied for the simulations. The particle movement pattern and the fraction of stagnant air locations are analyzed for mixing and displacement ventilation with varying air change per hour (ACH). The study results illustrate that only focusing on ACH will not ensure the well-being of the occupants regarding exposure to aerosols released in the room. The interior design i.e. furniture orientation, the air inlet and outlet locations and safe space distribution between the working zones can have an equal or even more significant role in determining the most effective, energy efficient and healthy indoor layout.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类