Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated and zinc-iron alloy-coated carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities
BS ISO 3575:2016适用于金属涂层钢板卷和切割长度的要求
设计用于与不同应用要求兼容的条件。ISO 4998未涵盖的结构钢。交叉引用:ISO 1460ISO 2178ISO 3497ISO 6892-1ISO 7438ISO 16163ISO 4998ISO 16160ISO 16162ASTM A653/A653MJIS G 3302EN 10346购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包括在内。
BS ISO 3575:2016 is applicable to the requirements for steel sheet, in coils and cut lengths, metallic-coated
by the continuous hot-dip process, with zinc and zinc-iron alloy coatings.The product is intended for applications requiring corrosion resistance, formability and paintability.The steel sheet is produced in a number of designations, coating masses, surface treatments and coating
conditions designed to be compatible with differing application requirements.This document does not cover steels designated as structural quality, which are covered in ISO 4998.Cross References:ISO 1460ISO 2178ISO 3497ISO 6892-1ISO 7438ISO 16163ISO 4998ISO 16160ISO 16162ASTM A653/A653MJIS G 3302EN 10346All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.